
So Who Am I?

Hi, my name is Luke I am in my third year of computer engineering at Queen’s University. Ever Since I was a kid I loved figuring out how and why computers work the way they do. Electronics today still fascinate me. When I am not doing school I spend much of my time growing and curating my business Living Garments, a true vintage clothing store. I curate vintage clothes from the 1900’s to the 1970’s. I have participated in multiple Markets across Ontario and sold over 300 item’s. On my off time I love to listen to new music, play guitar, hike, camp and go to places I have never been before.


Paid Professional Experiences

Go here if you’re looking for what I have done for work! From being a camp counsellor to an archeological field technician

Living Garments

My Vintage Clothing Buisness

Started in 2022, a passion for fashion and sustainability became a full fledged business.


Personal and School related

Here are projects that I have worked on related to engineering and computer engineering in the past years

Skills and Qualifications

What I am Capable Of

Fun Stuff

Miscellaneous Things That Make me me.


Where you can reach me